Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Back to her Old Self

Mom says I'm a Stinker., originally uploaded by MrsBinParis.

Rowan is on the mend. Her mild fever is gone, she's keeping food down, and as you can see, she's back to plotting all the trouble she can get into. Today we did our usual routine of breakfast, nap, shower, playing, poopsplosion, dressing, eating, playing, nap, and then headed out to run errands and bring some food back into the house. I've been trying to keep us to our planned meals, thus not keeping much extra in the house, which makes it challenging when you combine a barfing baby and a blizzard. But, we made it, just with many a craving that went unanswered (which is probably a good thing).

Tomorrow we're going to visit her Daddy's office and bring chocolate treats to share with his coworkers, and go to the library. After 3+ days of being stuck in the house, I need to get out again. Even if it is just to pick up shoes at the shoe repair place, get a few new books to read, and ply Dr. B's colleagues with chocolates and baby cuteness. (You never know; some of them may have kids who like to babysit.)

Joyeux St. Valentin! Happy Valentine's Day! We wish you hugs, snugs, and good chocolate.

1 comment:

~steph~ said...

awwwww.....just look at that nose scrunch! :)

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