Saturday, January 03, 2009

Give You What You Need

The cuddles are gone.

Those lovely evenings, the rocking, the snuggling--no more.

All she wants now, when the teeth are brushed and the story is told (with me in the big rocking chair, and her in the small one), is bed. "Nap? Nut? (Nuk) Bed?" as she points to her crib. A quick hug and kiss for mom when demanded, and then excited jumping in my arms as I stand to carry her over to her little nest. She arches her back, attempting to dive into her crib.

I cover her, she rolls on to her belly, and I go to the door.

I look back, wishing I could go back. But no.

"Goodnight, Sweetheart. Have a good snooze," I say.

"Bye." Her answer, so blunt. "Bye!" She wants me to go.

"I love you," I reply, my hand on the door knob.

She pulls the nuk out of her mouth.

"Nye nove you."

My new favorite.

1 comment:

The Inside Skinny Girl said...

The cuddles will be back, don't worry. I'm even getting them from my 7-year-old step-son, buckets full of cuddles. He even reached over to hold my hand when I took him (without Georges, who was doing some home projects) to see Madagascar 2 today. A year ago he normally just looked at me like I was a curiosity, and now I'm smothered in love from a kid who's not even mine! So don't fret, Rowan will need some cuddles again before you know it.

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