Not Rowan. She's great. Her cold is gone, the teeth didn't pop (but I'm pretty sure they were moving) and she's back to her old self. She's happy, playing, coloring, dancing, learning new words, loving flash cards and stickers, and just generally a delight to be around. We've worked past her bedtime issues (they showed up with the sickness, but a few nights of stubbornness on our part seemed to do the trick) and now she's obsessed with wearing dresses, stealing my high heels ("Cute shoes! Cute shoes!") and playing ball, especially outside. It's warming up, and we've even seen the occasional crocus and other early flower peeking through the grass. Yesterday I even heard a woodpecker.
But the torture is my own. Apparently, the PCOS that has plagued me is back. I won't go into the gory details, but it wreaks havoc with my moods, energy levels, waistline and my head. And the migraine I've been dealing with for 6 days decided that the best day for it to really hit was the day I had Rowan and her buddy here the whole day. Not the best timing. Luckily, though he pulled another all-nighter, her dad was able to stay until 8:30 so I could give myself an injection and let it take effect (ie: nausea, head swelling, brain lining on fire, etc.) and even shower before I was alone with the munchkins. It did work, and chased with a Vicodin, it was tolerable.
I've been feeling blog guilt, so wanted to stop by and let you know I'm still here. I'm crabby, depressed (thank you, PCOS!!!), headachey, a little bit stuffed up (probably part of it, too), bloated, zitty, and I need a haircut, but I'm here. In my sock monkey pajamas, of course.
I didn't know (or forgot) that you have PCOS. My feelings toward PCOS cannot be put on a family-friendly site such as this, as that is the cause of my fertility issues. But I do feel your pain.
Think happy thoughts... like: PARIS. It's just around the corner and you'll be here before know it.
I'm willing to also bet that the change in the weather is adding to your problems as well, seems it always does with me. Will think happy, patient and pain free thoughts and direct them towards you. Will you think the same in my direction though? Mr 19 is home on spring break... it's not pretty.
condolences on your migraine, from a fellow migraineur--
Go to a reputable homeopath and get to the bottom of your illness.
Anonymous, thanks for the nagging.
I don't listen to anonymous advice, especially when it comes as an order.
I have PCOS and chronic low seratonin. If you have twigs and berries that will completely rewire my system, feel free to bring them over. In person.
If not? Zip it. I've had it with your advice. Right now you're just pissing me off.
Twigs and berries? Cop on.
OK, Organic homeopathic twig water and berry pills.
What I said was I'm sick of your nagging, and your lack of a name. Buck up or leave me alone. As it is, you're hiding, and that is cowardly.
I'm seeing my doctor in a few weeks to discuss things. I will tell her that some anonymous commenter on my blog is convinced that my problems can be solved by a homeopath. If she agrees with you, I'll probably see one. It would have to be covered by my insurance, however. If not, then no.
This is the end of the subject. If there are any more comments on this, I will delete them.
Unless you somehow gather enough courage to give me a name. You could even pick a fake one, it's not like I would know. But this anonymous crap is just annoying, and it's my blog and I get to decide the rules. I can even block anonymous comments, but I haven't yet as a courtesy to my husband's aunt who always comments anonymously (but everyone knows because of her style of writing.)
So get with it.
And just so you know, I don't think all non-western things are baloney, but what homeopathic remedies I've tried thus far have done doodly squat. I am a believer in the power of yoga, and practice fairly regularly, but I won't count on it to solve everything. It's part, but it didn't fix the problem. I don't think water that washed some water that washed some water that washed a twig, boiled down and condensed into a tasteless pill is going to do much to a problem like this.
But hey, maybe you're right and all will be solved. If so, I'll declare that day ANONYMOUS COMMENTER DAY and I'll bake you a cake.
Add a chill pill to your prescription.
That sounds awful! I hope you can get some relief soon from the torture.
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