Granpa Carl, man of style. On a picnic with Dennis, Carol and Ron. Probably around 1952 or 53., originally uploaded by MrsBinParis.
He couldn't have done it better.
Kind, thoughtful, patient, hard working but always has plenty of time for us. Generous with everything he is and everything he has, with a ready smile and a laugh and of course, a hug. If you're up for it, he'll sit and talk until 2 AM, eating goodies, and then get up at 4 and put the coffee on for the early risers. He's the one we've always been able to count on, no matter what. And on top of that, the man can rock a fedora.
Happy 90th Birthday, Grandpa Carl. We love you so much!
My sister had given us a bunch of theater makeup from a company she worked for that went out of business, so I'll be interested to see how it lasts. It was beautiful to work with and went on very smoothly. Since she is only 5, we skipped the white base--better chance she'll still be OK with it by the end of the day, in time to trick-or-treat tonight.
She had wanted Anya to go as Doom Kitty, Ruby's sidekick, but Anya protested. I happened to see (and totally fall in love with) this strawberry costume at Old Navy, and it was on sale, so there you go. It's cute as a button and warm, too, so it was a no brainer. Anya, however, was not interested in posing or even looking in the camera's general direction this morning, so we will make another attempt later, but this might be it.
We wish you a safe and fun Halloween! May your bucket be filled with all your favorite treats!